For the Holiday Season Biolytic Lab Performance, Inc. held a food drive to collect for the Alameda County Food Bank.
Employees, friends and family all contributed to a total of 75 pounds of canned and dry goods!The Alameda County Community Food Bank serves 1 in 6 county residents. The Food Bank also serves 49,000 people each week—from Berkeley to Fremont, Oakland to Livermore. Food & Fund Drives are a vital resource for our neighbors facing hunger. No one should suffer from hunger especially in their golden years — yet thousands of seniors turn to the Food Bank to meet their most basic need. Nearly two-thirds of the people they serve are children and seniors, our community’s most vulnerable populations. “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt